Saturday, September 28, 2019

A FIRO-B Self assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A FIRO-B Self assessment - Essay Example Expressed needs indicate the level which an individual behave towards the other while wanted needs indicate how you wish the other would behave towards you. These two aspects of interpersonal needs are then assessed on three dimensions of interpersonal needs: Inclusion, Control and Affection. Â   The inclusion aspect relates to how a person wish to be part of a group, how readily one forms new relationships and how much belonging is sought. The Control need is associated with a person’s wish to influence, persuade and make known the wishes and ideas of his or her own. This aspect of interpersonal needs determines power and authority within interpersonal relationships. The third dimension of Affection needs is how close and personal the interpersonal relationships become. The level of emotional attachment, openness, sensitivity and caring a person bring in to a relationship is dependent on this. Assessing my individual scores on the FIRO B test, the major score is the expressed inclusion (eI). This indicates that my major interpersonal need is to belong to groups and trying to include others in my activities. When I think of my self, my liking to participate in group sports such as baseball and my large circle of friends, especially back in my home country, Taiwan is good proof of this indication in the FIRO B test. It was customary for me to invite my friends and cousins to social events and organise parties when I was in Taiwan. I was also keenly involved in local youth community clubs and was a pioneering member in many of school activities. Most of my leisure time was spent among my club members and friends where it was me who tend to initiate and set up meetings and events. These personality features compares closely with the following description of what a person with a high need for expressed inclusion would display in behavior. People with high expressed inclusion

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